I'm on a week-long quilting retreat. I arrived Sunday evening, but really just got unloaded, set up, and caught up with everyone else. Oh, and I got myself organized, so I knew where everything was.
Yesterday, I was pretty happy with what I got done. First, I took out two half-square triangles that were turned 180 degrees the wrong way, which I hadn't noticed until I had the blocks set together with sashing. I hope to get borders on that top yet this week, so I'll show a picture of it then. Then, I got the outer border on this top:

I rarely name my quilts, but this one just
had to be called "If You're Not the Lead Dog, the View Never Changes." If you click on the picture to make it larger, you'll probably see why. Yes, I know they're wolves -- but wolves and dogs are all in the canine family, and the expression uses "dog," so that's what I'm going with. This is a largish quilt, at around 74" across. I think it's a bit longer than it is wide, but I didn't measure it so I don't know for sure.
Next, I did a block for a challenge coming up. I still have to quilt and bind it by the first week in November, but the top is finished. I'm calling this one "Big Bang Theory." I have backing and batting with me, but I don't think I'll quilt it this week, because I'm not sure the machine I have with me will handle the thick thread I want to use. But the week is young, so we'll see.

Finally, I took a pile of strips I had, and put together this lap-size-ish top:

I want to put a border on it, so that will have to wait until I get home and check my stash. But I like this, it's bright and happy.
Today I'm adding borders to some tops, and making blocks for a Yellow Brick Road quilt. More from me tomorrow....
Thanks for stopping by to play. Come back again any time.