I always think of the Holiday Season as beginning with the Fall Conference, because it's almost always the weekend before Thanksgiving. So it really does lead right into the craziest six weeks of the year. Well, for most people it's a crazy time of year, anyhow. For me, it's usually a time I can slow down a bit, and get some quilting stuff done. I absolutely don't leave home at all on Black Friday. I have get-togethers with a few groups during December, but I don't have nearly as much craziness as many folks I know do. So, while everyone else is hustling and bustling, I can nest and quilt. I always get in the mood to work on quilting at this time of year, too. I think it may go back to my days in school, when I did a lot of crafting and sewing during Christmas break, that I didn't necessarily have time for during the school year.
For the rest of this year, I'm going to try to get a number of my completed quilt tops layered up, quilted, and ready to be bound. Then in the early part of the new year, I'll have a binding marathon, and all of a sudden, I'll have a whole bunch of newly-finished quilts ;-)
For today, I can show you a pair of socks I finished recently. This was a pair I test-knitted for a designer who is new to me. I stumbled upon her Ravelry group, and happened to be on the site right after she'd posted a request for test knitters, and was able to be the first volunteer. They may look like they're from two different yarns, but they're not. I was working from both ends of the skein, and apparently, the hand-dyed yarn was not dyed consistently throughout. I really like the effect of slightly mismatched socks, though I know there are folks out there who would be bothered by it. Anyhow, here they are:

Last week, I finished up this cowl, and blocked it over the weekend:

It's not really crooked or lopsided, I was just apparently standing at a funny angle -- when I fold it in half again, the top edges and the bottom edges are nicely in line all the way along.
I also finally got around to blocking several other things that have been waiting a while for that. First, here's my Color Affection shawl:

This is supposed to be striped in three colors, but unfortunately, the colors in my yarns were closer to each other than I thought they'd be, so I lost quite a bit of the stripe effect. Here are the yarns I used for this:

Looking at this, it seems obvious that these yarns would be somewhat "blendy," but in person I really thought they'd be more distinct from each other. No matter, I still like this and will wear it.
Then a fun little cowl I made during a knit-along (KAL) with the designer's group on Ravelry:

Then two basic long cowls/infinity scarves, one for DH:

and one for me:

The color is horrible on those last two pictures. Here's the yarn that I used for DH's cowl:

and here's the yarn I used for mine:

I'm glad to have gotten all this blocking done, and to be able to use these items now.
I've got a couple other pairs of socks I'm making good progress on, so I hope to show those here very soon. And maybe some more quilty pictures, before too long. For now, I'm off to do some sewing!
Thanks for stopping by to play! Come back again soon.