I still need to make bottoms for them, to stabilize them and help things stand upright in them when they're in use, but the really time-consuming part is done, and they can be used as they are now, if need be. Actually, I think they're going to come in quite handy for this move, both to move pantry items and stuff out of the refrigerator, as well as to move all kinds of little things that don't really need to go into a box, just need to get transported over to the new place somehow. That's why I took the time, in the middle of the moving frenzy, to go ahead and get them made.
I'm still hoping to quilt one or two tops before the end of the year. I have one loaded, that's been loaded since some time in the spring, and I'd like to be able to take it off the machine because it's done, not just because we need to move the machine. Gotta really get it in gear now, though. Everything unpleasant that must be done always seems to take three times as long as I think it will....
Thanks for stopping by to play. Come back again soon.
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One MORE project really isn't a problem, is it? :o)
Happy Crafting!
The Joyful Quilter