Here are some more of the UFOs I included on my list for this quarter's Spring UFO Club in the Quilters Knitting group on Ravelry. I'm really going to make a huge effort to finish all or at least most of these projects.
This first one is called "Crazy Stained Glass." I just need to put wider black strips on two sides of the corner squares, add them to the border strips, and sew the border strips to the quilt top. Then of course I'll need to quilt and bind it. If I don't put another black border beyond what's there now, it will finish at 55" square, a large wallhanging. All this fabric is from the Quiltmaker's Gift line, which tells you how long ago I made this top. I really love this one.

These are difficult to see in this picture, but they're stitchery blocks. I stitched them all on 10" squares of muslin with brown perle cotton. This is from a pattern book called "Chocolage," and all the blocks say something about chocolate. For example "Chocolate comes with a price. Control-Top pantyhose," and "I am a woman of many moods, and they all require chocolate." There are 16 blocks in total. I'm going to use the fabrics you see in the next picture along with these blocks,

and make a quilt from it all. I'm still figuring out the design, at the moment. I'd originally thought log cabin, but those are Jelly Rolls, and log cabin blocks from Jelly Roll strips might tend to be big and clunky looking. Or at least I'm afraid they might. I'm sure I'll come up with something.

More photos of UFO Club projects tomorrow, after I take them. I didn't get all the way through the list when I was taking pictures earlier.
Thanks for stopping by to play. Come back again soon.
I love those jelly rolls! What is the name of the line? I love browns/blues/teals.... You could always cut the jelly rolls in half lengthwise to make your strips - that would make the logs 3/4" finished. I am doing a zinger quilt with Bali Pops cut in half that way...well, it is on my UFO list anyway!
Bari, the two lines those Jelly Rolls are from are Pure by Sweetwater, and Cherish by Deb Strain. I did consider doing half-width logs, but I don't think I want to mess around cutting the precut strips down the width. Lazy? Maybe so. I could, however, do some log cabin strips from the OTHER fabrics, and do something else with the Jelly Roll strips to go with it, or something... We'll see ;-) I'm still in the thinking stages on that one.