I'm home now from retreat, and I was thinking about just how much I got done. Frankly, I'm impressed! I've already shown some of the pictures, and some will be in my Quilter's Accountability (QA) Report post on Wednesday, but here's what I accomplished:
1. Made two hobo bags.
pictures are in this post2. Assembled two quilt tops, added borders, and made the bindings for them.
pictures will be in Wednesday's upcoming QA Report post3. Added the last two border strips to a quilt top I was donating, made bindings for it and another top (already completed) I was also donating, and handed them both off to someone who will take them to the person who's collecting these donated tops. They'll be quilted, and will be for a fundraising event in late Fall.
Silly me, I forgot to take pictures of these tops before I handed them off!4. Assembled a quilt top from four stitchery blocks, which have been done for several years at least.
pictures will be in Wednesday's upcoming QA Report post5. Made three sock knitting project bags.
pictures are in this post6. Quilted, bound, and added hanging sleeves to two wall quilts.
pictures will be in Wednesday's upcoming QA Report post7. Made 12 fan blocks, though I still have to applique the fans down to the background blocks. I have border fabrics for these, but I'm thinking about saving them to use as the basis for a new jacket for next winter, so for now I'm going to "live with them" for a while, and see what they say they want to be, quilt or jacket.

8. Finished applying the fabrics to the sweatshirt base for my mother's jacket, zigzagged around the pieces on both sleeves, and started the zigzagging on the jacket front.
pictures when it's closer to finished, as right now it doesn't really look like much9. Squared up a set of 16 stitchery blocks, and started thinking about the design of the quilt they'll become.
picture of the blocks, and the fabrics for the quilt, are in this postIf I hadn't had to leave retreat, and essentially lost 2 days of sewing time, I'd probably have finished the fan blocks, gotten them set into a top (if that's what I'd decided to do with them), started setting together the stitchery blocks, and finished my mother's jacket. Who knows what else I might have done, as well? It was a fun and relaxing time, and also productive. I can hardly wait for the next one!
Check out
Judy's blog, and see what's on other folks' design walls. Thanks for stopping by to play. Come back again soon.